What does any of this prove? | Print |
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Written by Russ Larsen   
    Aside from proving that people will do some very odd things to pacify the mind, what do all these pictures, videos, and voices prove? Does it prove human energy continues to exist in a conscious state? Does it prove what happens when we die? And do we really want to know?
    I am not sure that any of these questions can be answered based on any information we have gathered yet. Perhaps it would be better to present what we do know as fact and then compare the relativity of the questions. To keep this a little simpler, I will address only EVP in this article, though most evidence can be viewed similarly.
    Number one fact: Voices have been collected, on tape and in digital format, that could not be heard until played back. These voices have been captured day and night, summer or winter, and in an endless variety of locations, many of which were not considered to be active.
    What does this prove? Only that anomalous voices can be caught on recording equipment.
    Fact number two: Some voices are a direct response to an action, question, or comment from one or more people present at the time of recording.
    What does this prove? This proves that at least some of the recorded voices react in a conscious manner.
    Although it is commonly thought that the voices are those of spirits, I have seen no hard evidence to prove it, though it may be correct.
    Thomas Edison was interested in ways to communicate with the dead. He planned to build a machine that would make this possible. I believe that the reason it is so hard for some to accept that spirits may exist is because in many ways it defies scientific explanation. However, as science and religion clashed and now have slowly merged, so is science and the paranormal. As energy cannot be destroyed, only transferred, the belief that an energy, other than our physical bodies decomposing, continues to exist is not out of the realm of possibility.